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Charting New Digital Frontiers: ISOC Libya Partners with Annir Initiative

We are excited to share the latest development from the Internet Society Libya Chapter (ISOC Libya)—a new strategic partnership with the Annir Initiative. Annir Initiative is an independent, neutral, and non-political Libyan organization dedicated to addressing digital space issues in Libya. This partnership signifies a joint commitment to spreading digital awareness and advocating for essential reforms in digital policy.

A Union for Digital Empowerment

Our collaboration with Annir Initiative is set to create a formidable force in the push for a digital revolution in Libya. By combining ISOC Libya’s advocacy for open, globally-connected, and secure internet with Annir Initiative’s focus on digital space issues, we aim to foster a digital ecosystem that is accessible, reliable, and secure for all Libyans.

Focus Areas of Our Collaboration

Our united efforts will be channeled towards:

  • Promoting Internet Governance: We aim to lead discussions and actions around internet governance that advocate for fair and responsible digital practices and policies.
  • Enhancing Internet Accessibility: Ensuring that internet access is not just widespread but also equitable, allowing everyone the opportunity to connect and participate in the digital world.
  • Reforming Digital Public Policy: We are dedicated to shaping and reforming digital public policies that support the sustainable development of Libya’s digital future.

Join Our Transformative Journey

This partnership is about more than just combining efforts; it’s about transforming the digital landscape to make it more inclusive and beneficial for everyone in Libya. We need your support and engagement to drive this transformation. Join us as we embark on this path to digital empowerment.

Stay Updated and Involved

Keep connected with us for updates on our projects and learn about opportunities where you can make a difference. Follow our social media platforms and subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about the developments and how you can be a part of this exciting journey.

Together with Annir Initiative, we are poised to make significant strides towards a more connected and digitally educated Libya. Your participation is crucial in helping us realize the vision of #InternetForAll.

Let’s make the digital future accessible to everyone in Libya!

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