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Launching a National Dialogue:The First Meeting on Public Digital Policy Reform

On the morning of Tuesday, April 16, 2024, a landmark event marked the beginning of a significant chapter in Libya’s journey toward comprehensive digital policy reform. Hosted by the Internet Society Libya Chapter (ISOC Libya) in collaboration with the Annir Initiative, the inaugural meeting of the national initiative for public digital policy reform convened a diverse group of stakeholders involved in internet governance across Libya. This pivotal gathering was conducted in a hybrid format, enabling participation both online and in-person in Tripoli, ensuring broad and inclusive engagement.

A Convergence of Minds

This initial meeting brought together an array of participants, including key representatives from national bodies specializing in telecommunications, information technology, and cybersecurity. The event also saw active participation from academics and members from both the private sector and civil society, underscoring the collaborative spirit of this initiative.

Objectives and Expectations

The primary aim of this gathering was to kickstart a dialogue on the need for and the nature of digital policy reform in Libya. By involving a wide range of perspectives—from governmental officials to technology experts and civil society activists—the initiative seeks to craft policies that are not only comprehensive and forward-thinking but also inclusive and beneficial for all stakeholders in Libya’s digital landscape.

The Path Forward

The meeting set the stage for a series of discussions and workshops aimed at:

  • Identifying key areas in need of reform within Libya’s digital policies.
  • Developing strategies to enhance internet governance that is transparent, accountable, and participatory.
  • Ensuring that the digital transformation benefits all layers of Libyan society, fostering an environment of digital inclusivity.

Stay Engaged

This meeting is just the beginning of what promises to be an ongoing and dynamic reform process. ISOC Libya and Annir Initiative are committed to keeping all stakeholders informed and engaged throughout this journey. We encourage everyone interested in the future of Libya’s digital policy to stay connected through our updates and to participate in upcoming events.

Join Us in Shaping Libya’s Digital Future

We believe that the active participation of a broad spectrum of society is crucial to the success of digital policy reform in Libya. Your insights, experiences, and expertise are invaluable as we navigate this complex and crucial domain.

Together, we can work towards a digital environment that is secure, accessible, and empowering for all Libyans.

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